Five Must-Haves for Mother’s Day Chocolate
Mother’s Day chocolate is, on its own, a must-have. Sure, there are options, like flowers or a good book, or maybe jewelry. But for a lot of Moms, the must-haves for Mother’s Day involve chocolate of some kind. Preferably good chocolate. Here are five chocolate-y ideas for Mother’s Day.

Moms + Chocolate
Moms, in general, are a hard-working bunch of people. They deserve a huge amount of credit for the work they do. I’m not the first to say this. Being a mom is a J-O-B in all-caps. And then multiply that by three zillion. If you are a mom or know a mom, you know their hours are pretty brutal. And more, the PTO – that’s “paid time off” not “parent-teacher organization” – is nonexistent.
And yet, I don’t want to be confused with those who elevate Mom to a near god-like status either. It’s not as if Moms everywhere were born for this work and therefore are doing what comes naturally to them. They are simply (or not-so-simply) working damn hard at work that is often not glamourous (scrubbing peas off the wall), or worse, not even noticed (the laundry is magically clean again!).
None of this stops the fact that Moms don’t even get their Snackables on discount. It’s a crime. Which is all to say: they deserve some good chocolate.
Must-Have #1 – Maine Sea Salt Caramels

We might as well start with the best because why monkey around with anything less? With a choice of dark or milk chocolate (or both), the Maine Sea Salt caramels are our best-sellers by far. Sweet and salty, chewy and never sticky, your mom, sister, aunt, or cat-sitter will think you’re a genius if you present her with a box of these.
Must-Have #2 – MOM, XOXO, 💜💜💜

These little bundles of chocolate are easy to give and easy to enjoy. And they say it all. If your mom is always telling you not to fuss, this is the perfect amount of fuss for her. In dark and milk chocolate with a tiny flourish of white chocolate just for fun. She will know she’s loved with this sweet gift.
Must-Have #3 – Hot Fudge & Maine Sea Salt Caramel Sauce Gift Pack

With summer around the corner, it’s not too soon to stock up on hot fudge and caramel sauce, and Mom won’t mind a bit. She might enjoy serving it up at your next family gathering, or she could stash it away to share with no one. Either way, this will make Mom happy.
Must-Have #4 – Monthly or Seasonal Chocolate Subscription Box

You will get extra credit for being the best-child-ever if Mom regularly receives chocolate from you. Put Mom on the Dean’s List for a three-, six-, or twelve-month subscription box or our seasonal gift package and your work is done. We will ship out a chocolate-y gift filled with surprises that will remind Mom of your awesomeness and thoughtfulness.
Must-Have #5 – Chocolate Flowers

Your mom may love flowers so she’ll love chocolate flowers even more. This is a show-stopper kind of gift and perfect for Mother’s Day. Daffodils, pansies, roses, and mums in dark and milk chocolate come wrapped in a bouquet of six or twelve. Or if you’re at a gathering, arrange these flowers in a vase as a centerpiece. These Must-Haves for Mother’s Day chocolate will be a gift for all.
We don’t want to put Mom on a pedestal just to thank her once a year for the enormous work she does all year long. We want her to know just how appreciated she is every day. These five must-haves chocolates will keep Mother’s Day front and center in her heart and yours.