The Ultimate Chocolate Quiz: Your Personality Revealed
Maine Sea Salt Dark Chocolate Squares

The Ultimate Chocolate Quiz: Your Personality Revealed

Standing behind the counter helping customers at our chocolate store gives me a laboratory to watch human behavior. Any retailer will tell you the same. The public parades before us. I see couples newly in love. I see parents exhausted from a family vacation. I can tell if a customer is a chocolate connoisseur or simply enjoying the moment. I also see some people hesitate, perhaps self-consciously, worried about their buying behavior. They say, “I know I should get dark chocolate, it’s healthier, but I like milk chocolate.” In essence, they’re saying, please don’t judge me. And we don’t. Never would.

Take the chocolate quiz!

Scan the photos below: choose your top three. You can also use “rank-choice voting,” since that’s legal in Maine. Your choices will reveal your inner chocolate personality.

Au Lait Au Lait

Au Lait Au Lait, the milk chocolate squares, means you are a purist and confident in your ways. You seize the day and don’t hold back. You have strong views, but you don’t push them on anyone. You are happy rowing your own boat. 

English Breakfast Crisp Squares
English Breakfast Crisp

English Breakfast Crisp means you embody, as F. Scott Fitzgerald once described, a first-rate intelligence. With your ability to hold two opposing ideas in mind, you savor the sweet and you cherish the savory. Your intrepid curiosity allows you to bring and hold together a diverse and vibrant community, in which the sum is greater than the parts and all in your aura flourish.  

Double Espresso Squares
Double Espresso

Double Espresso indicates you are independent and a hard worker. Your friends can count on your reliability, and equally, you delight in an evening at home. You are mindful and savor small moments throughout the day, and especially when the work is done. 

Maine Sea Salt Squares
Maine Sea Salt

If you choose Maine Sea Salt, you are as active as you are studious. Your energy takes you on great adventures of both mind and body. You like to know and experience what the world has to offer by seeking new insights and first-hand knowledge.

Graham Cracker Crunch Squares
Graham Cracker Crunch

Did you choose Graham Cracker Crunch? You are compassionate and generous. If there’s a situation that calls for leadership, you are there, whether out front or behind the scenes. You take joy from watching others thrive.

Simply White Squares
Simply White

If you choose Simply White, you have long ago decided your passions and preferences. You have your own way of doing things that others may question, and though self-doubt occasionally nags at you, ultimately you refuse to be deterred. Your style is your own and your North Star shines brightly.

Rainbow Confetti Squares
Rainbow Confetti

Rainbow Confetti means that you look for and find the best in others. Though you can see their shadow sides, your acceptance and willingness to stay open brings people together. You don’t shy away from difficult situations and yet, you’re happiest creating harmony whenever possible. 

Midnight 80 Squares
Midnight 80

If Midnight 80 is your choice, you value and protect the deep foundation of wisdom and energy that come to you through deliberate contemplation and focus. You are often the source of new ideas that, once brought into the world, germinate and manifest in bold action, by you and by the people you lead. Others rely on your equanimity and strength.

Lavender Honey Squares
Lavender Honey

If you choose Lavender Honey, you value fine artistry. You seek out hidden gems and gladly go the distance to experience the best in any area that rings true for you. You work and travel through life on your own terms, and you’d never want anything less for anyone else. 

Ginger Lemon Squares
Ginger Lemon

The Ginger Lemon reveals a creative you. You enjoy combining colors and images, sounds and scents that often escape the attention of others. You pay attention, keenly aware of the chaos and clutter in the world, and then you mindfully forge your own path. 

Seriously 70 Squares
Seriously 70

If you are drawn to Seriously 70, you are a scientist. You systematically test and question and gather data, with no pre-conceived outcome, but with an openness and wonder only a genuine explorer can have. Others may offer their opinions, to which you will listen, but your true nature is one of collecting and compiling the raw evidence of life that you channel as joy and contentment.

Maine Blueberry Cranberry Squares
Maine Blueberry Cranberry

If you choose Maine Blueberry Cranberry, you are a roamer. The palette of your life is made up of colors and textures stirred together through experience. Even during times of challenge, you’re aware that life’s fullness and richness are only assembled through the collection of daily practices that involve seeing and experiencing the world just as it is. The outside world is both your teacher and your home.

What does your taste in chocolate say about you?

Really, when choosing chocolate, the only thing that matters is that you are true to yourself. You don’t need to worry if dark chocolate is healthier or if white chocolate is actually chocolate (it’s not, but that’s ok!). You can base your selection on what calls to you and what you enjoy most. When we follow our own inner chocolate guide and let others do the same, the outcome is most often the sweetest.  

All photos by Melissa Mullen Photography